How to develop a successful email marketing campaign?

How to develop a successful email marketing campaign

When email marketing is necessary these days, building a successful campaign requires planning, strategy, and creativity.

Yes, it may seem to you that it’s as easy as typing a simple email and shooting it to people’s inboxes.

However, it is not that simple. You need solid planning from start to end, from deciding whom to send the emails to analysing how people respond to your efforts.

In short, from scratch to success, creating an email marketing campaign is a journey in itself.

Here in this guide, let’s see a roadmap to get it started.

Define your goal

First thing first. Before heading to shoot a mail, make your intent clear in your mind. That means what you want the campaign to yield.

Is it that people visit your website?

Or do you want them to know about your brand presence?

Maybe you desire to store endless leads in your CRM and boost sales.

Whatever the purpose, clarify it so that you can smoothly move on to the next step in your email marketing journey.

Figure out your audience

Now that you have a clue about what you want to achieve from the campaign, the next step is to identify the audience that can help you fulfil your intent.

That is based on your product and service; who do you think which demographic would likely show interest so that you can land in their email boxes?

You can categorise or segment the audience according to different products, needs, interests, pain points, intent, etc.

For instance, as a website design company, one of our categories is a small business website.  So, if we are looking for leads using email marketing, we would find out and target small business owners or professionals.

Build your email list

Making a list of people to whom you will send your marketing email is the most crucial task.

At this point, we suppose you have already identified your audience based on different products or services.

Now, the emails of people with exact interests aligned with your intent are to be collected. You can do this organically or through social media promotions.

For organic collecting, you can offer helpful downloadable material or discounts in exchange for their emails. However, as the GDPR says, privacy and consent are must care of in marketing.

Pro tip: The right thing is to create separate email lists for different audiences or services; obviously, not all services are meant for everyone. For instance, we have entirely different lists for architecture website design and handyman website design, and that makes sense, you would agree.

Craft a compelling email message

Now that you know your intent, your audience, and exactly whom to send the promotional emails to, the next step is to craft email messages creatively for each separate email list. The best practice is to write email copies that are concise and precise, talk the USP to the point, and offer benefits or discounts, if any, with a strong call to action at the end.

For instance, while creating marketing emails for our handyman website design service, we write our promotional emails this way.

handyman website design service in London

Design and layout

Sure, you have crafted a perfect email copy; now you have to fit it in a visually appealing template so that it is something more than a boring, lengthy text that just flatters your service.

You can use a template with a combination of the colour palette of your brand logo or overall branding visual identity.

Besides overall aesthetics, it is also imperative that the layout fits and looks good on almost all kinds of devices, especially mobiles.

Optimise & track

Once you are done sending emails, it is time to monitor how they are yielding the best possible outcome of your intent. Obviously, you have to be a good observer here so that you can analyse even minor details that significantly impact your marketing campaign, whether negatively or positively.

Some KPIs you must focus on are open rates, conversion rates, and click-through rates. The higher they are, the better your campaign might be performing.

However, if you find it less satisfying, room for improvement should always exist. In this scenario, A/B testing is available to help you choose the better version so that, based on the data, you can make your email marketing campaign successful.

End Note

We hope the tips help you create a successful email marketing campaign. In case you are looking for an email marketing company in London to help you in the process, give us a call at 020 374 52786.









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