Everything you need to know before deciding on a website CMS

Everything you need to know before deciding on a website CMS

You don’t have to look far to find scores of online advice about choosing the best website CMS (Content Management System) for your new project.

If you’ve reached us today, the chances are you’ve already been through much of that information already, going through each review and rating in an effort to make sense of the sheer number of different CMS platforms available to you. And if you have already gone through all that stuff,

It seemed like a great idea at first, didn’t it? But now, doing all that research has only left you with more questions than you started with:

How easy is it to install a CMS on your hosting? Won’t it be incredibly complicated? How easy is to install the CMS on my hosting?

How much would a freelancer or web design company charge to create my site? Is that an affordable option for me?

Can’t I just find a freelancer or a web design company to do the work for me?

What about support, regular updates, and maintenance of my chosen website CMS?

Why should I even care in the first place? Isn’t it my web developer’s job to deal with all that?

…Sound familiar?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

We’ve helped scores of people create a powerful and effective web presence using CMS platforms, many of whom originally came to us with similar questions.

That’s why, today, we’re going to address all of the concerns you may still have when it comes to choosing the right CMS for you.


By introducing you to WordPress.

WordPress – CMS (content management system)


Easy to install, and even easier to use to create, manage, and maintain beautiful, results-driven websites, WordPress is used by everyone from small business owners to major brands like BBC America, CNN, Coca-Cola, and even well-known celebrities like The Rolling Stones and superstar athlete, Usain Bolt.

Here’s just a few things you should know about this powerful and highly popular CMS.

  1. WordPress is a community- backed platform with countless users developing themes and extensions, helping each other overcome technical challenges, and advising on new ways to make the most out of the platform.
  2. Downloading WordPress is absolutely free.
  3. WordPress is an open source Content Management System, which means that the source code is open to the public.
  4. WordPress is based on PHP / MySQL.
  5. According to Wikipedia, WordPress was first released on May 27th, 2003. It has gone on to be used in millions of websites ever since. as per records from Wikipedia
  6. The official WordPress website is wordpress.org

Don’t just take our word for it when we say that WordPress is the web’s leading CMS. Here’s some more stats and facts courtesy of: https://managewp.com/14-surprising-statistics-about-wordpress-usage

  1. 46 million – Number of WordPress downloads since July 2013
  2. 98 – Number of WordPress versions released to date.
  3. 229 – Number of people employed by WordPress
  4. 29,000 – Number of plugins available for WordPress. That number is growing daily.
  5. 40 – Number of Languages WordPress is available in.
  6. 20,000 – Number of WordPress posts published per day. That number is also growing daily.

Wordpress CMS

Feeling a little overwhelmed by all those figures? You’re not the only one. But if you’re anything like most people, you may now be seriously considering WordPress as your new website CMS.

If that’s your plan, then stay with us, as we’re about to show you how easy it is to download and install the 100% free WordPress CMS.

Before we do…

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Not ready to share just yet? No problem, let’s keep going and get your new WordPress website CMS up and running.

Downloading and Installing WordPress

One way to get WordPress onto your web host is to download the whole software package for free from WordPress.org, then upload it to your hosting,  create a MySQL database and install WordPress so that it connects to that database.

Though it may be straightforward, such an approach isn’t always easy, especially if you’re planning to install the platform yourself for the first time.

Fortunately, there is an easier way:

Installing WordPress in Just One-Click

Did you know that you can install WordPress in just a single click?

How? By using Cpanel….

….What the heck is Cpanel?

Let us tell you:

Cpanel is a web hosting control panel which provides users with a graphical interface through which they can access a range of tools designed to help them build, manage, and market their website efficiently and effectively.

The image below details just some of the most important tools you can access in Cpanel, including the Softaculous app installer.

Softaculous App Installer

This is the Softaculous app installer, a powerful app which is packed with some of the very best software packages available, and which enables you to install each of those packages at the click of a button.

Softaculous App Installer cpanel

By now, you’re probably thinking:

How can I get Cpanel?

The answer, is that you may already have it, especially if you already have your own managed web hosting.

Cpanel comes as standard with almost all Linux hosting packages, including shared hosting, VPS (Virtual Private Servers) and dedicated servers.

Just to give you an idea, this is what typical Linux server configured with WHM / CentOS looks like:


See the CP icon in front of each domain? That’s the Cpanel icon. Click it, and it will direct you to the Cpanel interface for that particular website.

So, by now you know just how easy the WordPress installation process can be with Cpanel and one-click installation via Softaculous. 

Now it’s time to learn a little bit about WordPress support, maintenance, and the associated costs involved.

WordPress may be completely free to download and install, but it’s important to keep in mind that, once you launch your website, you’ll have to keep on top of important WordPress updates.

These are vital to ensuring your WordPress website remains safe from hackers. Though most updates pose no problems whatsoever, some issues can occur when a particular component of your website, be it a plugin, a homepage slider, or even an entire section of your site, turns out not to be compatible with the latest version of WordPress.

Fortunately, such issues can be easily overcome with a support & maintenance package for your website.

The good news?

You do not have to pay anything extra for this package, as it comes bundled in with most good managed hosting services.

Typically, these plans start from just

£10 a month for a managed hosting service.

Yes, you can find hosting for less, but these are usually shared hosting plans, which come with their own drawbacks.

Not only do you miss out on the support you need to manage your WordPress updates, but you also share vital resources like bandwidth with many other websites that are based on your hosting plan hence the name, ‘shared’ hosting.

With a managed hosting plan, on the other hand, you get the peace of mind in knowing that you’re always guaranteed a higher level of uptime because you’re not sharing your server space with so many other websites.

The main benefit to managed hosting, however, is that your hosting company handles all of those WordPress updates for you, leaving you with more time to concentrate on growing your business.

Hiring WordPress Maintenance Support

If you already have a shared hosting plan, you do still have a few more options for getting your WordPress maintenance taken care of without doing it yourself.

Firstly, you could always decide to hire a WordPress freelancer to handle the work for you. You can find talented freelancers via freelancer.com or peopleperhour.com.

Second, and finally, there’s always us. You can contact Bitvero Digital and compare our website support packages to find one that suits your website, your business, and your budget.

Do keep in mind, that whether you hire a freelancer or a website company, that the cost of website maintenance is charged on a monthly basis so that you’ve always got the support you need, when you need it.